I have made it big, big jobs, big results and I have been rewarded for it. But now, its not enough.
You know I saw everyday that people are not managed well which affects the sales results of a business. From training to process – it gets lost and no one is concentrating on it.
I knew that I would get into this kind of work one day and I just so happened to discover HR Coach when I was looking for a HRSI for my employer.
I talked with HR Coach and I couldn’t wait to get home to talk to Lorraine about what I found.
I said to Lorraine – this is our ticket out of here. We never thought about going into business together before but we saw this was a great way to use both our skills. I start something and Lorraine finishes it – perfect!
Let me tell you something – we practiced and role played during the Academy our sales pitch and client meetings during the workshop. I was on the plane at home totally exhausted, and I had a text book meeting with the guy sitting next to me on the plan – who is now 2 weeks later – a fully fledged HR Plan Client.
Does the sales process work – absolutely! It is all about the process and doing the numbers.

Colin Wilson
Key Business Advisors